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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Odin Sphere. Oh yes.

All I have to say, is that it's been a while since anybody made a game this polished, this thorough, and this enjoyable since Super Mario Bros (keep in mind, I don't play anything in the Mario lineage/legacy). There is love oozing until every last pixel and gameplay mechanic. Odin Sphere is one of the few true successors on the timeline of "real videogames". Throwing away everything what's "in style", and opting for parallax scrolling, huge sprites, massive boss characters, alternate sequences, infectiously addictive inventory mechanics and a Story told in a grippinly weaved Volumes and Chapters fashion.

Finishing Odin Sphere today confirmed everything that I originally felt for the game: every single design element is accounted for. The character's "purpose" in the storyline transcends into their attack methods, the attack methods are relative to the levels in which they toil, and the level sequencing is relative to the overall game experience. Odin Sphere takes simple gaming elements, and remixes them 5 times over (there are 5 characters) providing a completely new experience everytime, and never letting your assumptions or previous knowledge best it.

I recommend this title, immensely, even as background play.

Sadly, I will not post any youtube clips, nor do I recommend viewing anything about this game in Low Resolution. It's not exactly a title that can be "summed up" with video compression.

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