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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Fumes for thought

And so begins another blog post with un-founded sources and incorrect syntax.

You know, there's a solid amount of books out there that talk about positive visualization. "You should envision yourself being successful", healthy, blabla, something, etc. Positive thinking begets positive events, and negative thinking begets negative thingies. I haven't read "The Secret", but isn't it all about building your own life using positive energy? If you've read The Secret, please post a comment, cause I don't feel like reading the book right now, or a website about the book. I just wanna hear the sound of my own freaking voice.

Now let me ask you this. If people who are smokers are blissfully ignorant about the specifics of cancerous tumors that they can develop, make things worse by putting visuals of what could happen to you on the packs? Wouldn't that kind of powerful visualization and everyday reminder make you actually more likely to develop such devastating blood clots, charred lungs and rotten gums through repeated visualization? Or is this again a case of keeping those who don't [smoke] safe and away from the packs, and those who do, terrified and with more anxiety that they can only cure with yet another cigarette?

(and then I lose track again..)

Advertisement always focuses on those that can be saved, and ignores those who are in the said situation to the advert is trying to prevent. It's very nice to run an add about how AIDS kills and warn you to practice safer sex, but what about those who have it and have to be reminded of just how bad their situation actually is?

Seen the latest Lysol commercial? Man, I feel sorry for every child out there whose mom is a germ freak walking around with a face mask. I couldn't find it on youtube, but essentially, there's this house phone that's just COVERED with maggot looking ant things (representing germs...), and then the little 5 year old reaches for the phone, and the screen fades to black. Between that, and the trailer for 28 Days Later.. I don't know.

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